Corporations and Residential properties aren’t only about functioning but also maintaining security, theft and quality management. To demand a secured environment is to demand an exceptional AI Surveillance Solution that suits your chattels. We at Redware Technologies offer three different Artificial Intelligence Surveillance solutions, which are— AI Cameras Artificial Intelligence Cameras is an extended range of security cameras which contain advanced recognition features, from face scanning to voice activation. Our AI Cameras are adaptable irrespective of climatic conditions and real-time skills.
We present high-quality AI Cameras with advanced features like ‘slow motion video,’ speech recognition, machine learning, and computer vision. We bring safety in tiny AI Lenses.
DOM Cameras DOM CCTV Cameras are the foremost and most effective security sources of Surveillance system when it comes to non-official public places like casinos, restaurants, hotels, and retail stores. Redware Technologies provide all-category DOM cameras to deliver eminent security experience and maintain customer requirement with ease. Pan-tilt Cameras PTZ Cameras are exclusively presented by Redware Technologies with zoom control and remote directional capabilities. This is an essential category of AI Surveillance system as these cameras are controllable and can be managed to record other activity around the place by the administrator.
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